4 Things You Can Change to Grow as a Person

Virtually everyone can think of something they could change in life to become a better person. If you've been trying to think of things to incorporate into your life to promote personal growth, try flipping the narrative by considering what you are already doing that you could stop. In the article shared below, Alchemy Art of Healing recommends starting with these four things to make a significant change.

1. Ditch the Job You Hate

One study shows that the average person spends over 13 years of their life at work. With that much time on the job, you should enjoy what you do. If you hate your job or simply do not find it fulfilling, consider a career change. Getting back out on the job market can be intimidating, but you increase your chances of finding the right job if you take the time to create a professional-looking resume. Look online for free resume templates that allow you to customize the design. Think hard about the images and colors. You can even research what colors are most appealing to companies in your desired career. 

2. Get Rid of the Clutter – in More Ways Than One

If you live or work in a space full of clutter and distractions, that can take a toll on your mental health. Take the time to go through everything and get rid of what isn't necessary. Decluttering can be a cumbersome process, so start by making a goal. What is it specifically that you want to accomplish through your cleaning session? Use your answer to create a step-by-step strategy that you can accomplish one bit at a time. In fact, keeping a journal or a daily to-do list can actually help you achieve this goal and keep your head from being cluttered. 

But clutter isn’t just physical. We’ve already discussed how clutter can take a toll on your mental health. Well, it should come as no surprise that mental clutter – in the form of anxiety and depression – can be just as damaging. But like physical clutter, it can be dealt with. Online therapy are excellent options, especially in conjunction with naturopathic medicine and other positive lifestyle changes in diet and exercise.

Don’t forget that meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, and mindfulness practices can all help to still the noise in your head and provide some much-needed clarity. By taking a few minutes out of your day to focus on your breath and still your thoughts, you can help create a more tranquil state of mind.

3. Start Prioritizing Your Needs

Creating a good work-life balance is essential to living a healthy lifestyle. It is okay to love what you do and invest a great deal of time in it. If you are a business owner, it may even be necessary at times. However, learning to delegate is vital to providing a healthy work environment and keeping yourself sane. You may find that delving into your true leadership style also helps you to prioritize your needs at work.

You may also find that flexibility and balance make your workday less overwhelming. You can even incorporate small elements of fun into your workday. For example, use your lunch hour to socialize with coworkers. Most importantly, learn to say no when you do not have time. 

4. Change Your Diet and Exercise Plans

One of the most obvious, but often most difficult, ways to self-improve is to work on your diet and exercise plans. If you have a busy work schedule, you may find it difficult to avoid those quick trips through the drive-thru or make it to the gym after a long day. Consider planning your meals ahead of time, and forgive yourself when you crave fast food. Over-restricting yourself is not healthy either.

Implement a quick workout at home. You can find fast, bodyweight exercises online or download an app to your smartphone to help you keep track of your workouts. If you live or work in an area with a high walk score, meaning you can easily walk to restaurants, shops, and offices, take advantage of it. Try walking to lunch or strolling through a few shops on a break instead of milling around the office. Remember that diet and exercise is not an all-or-nothing process. If you skip an exercise day or grab fast food for lunch, just pick up where you left off the day before.

You live in a busy world where it is easy to neglect self-care. These four simple changes do not have to happen overnight or even all at once. However, you can start to prioritize what you want and need for personal growth a little at a time. Before long, you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel!

Alchemy Art of Healing is comprised of Naturopathic Doctors who are devoted to helping you achieve your optimal health. Get in touch to schedule a free 15-minute consultation.

Article Written by Jill Palmer

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