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As Naturopathic Doctors, we are trained in running and assessing functional and comprehensive lab work. We believe health begins by understanding your unique physiology and biochemistry. While we offer basic bloodwork any conventional doctor would run (CBC, CMP, lipid studies, etc) as naturopathic doctors, we tend to be more thorough by ordering full comprehensive panels, looking at all the organ systems as a whole and interpret labs values based on what is an optimal or functional lab range rather than if labs reflect direct disease or not. We take into account your symptom picture and laboratory results to give you the best tailored treatment. This way, we are able to catch and treat imbalances before advance disease begins.



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In addition to normal diagnostic testing, we offer a number of specialized testing to better assist you in the healing process. Testing beyond basic blood work can help identify the root cause to your imbalance and save you time and money in the long run.  These tests will help us to gather the right information to best guide our treatment plans for you with the best outcomes. Tests are ordered after the initial visit after considering your unique case.



Comprehensive Stool Analysis

Looks at your complete gut microbiome (good, bad and pathologic bacteria), digestive markers and inflammatory markers. Best for looking at digestive disorders such as IBS, autoimmunity, leaky gut, SIBO, yeast overgrowth and more.

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

Food Allergies & Sensitivities


Full Hormone panel with DUTCH COMPLETE or DUTCH PLUS

Adrenocortex Stress Profile


Neurotransmitter Testing

Advanced Neural Health Testing

Anti-Aging Panels


Organic Acids Testing

A comprehensive functional assessment of cellular, metabolic, infectious, digestive and inflammatory markers to aid in assessing sufficiency of body systems and detoxification underlying disease and inflammatory symptoms.

Micronutrient Testing

Environmental or Mold Toxicity Screening

Heavy Metals


At this time, we do not take insurance for labs,  but some insurances may reimburse you.

Prices vary from test to test. 

Interested in learning how these labs can optimize your health?

Click the link to schedule a free 15 minute consult or sign up for your initial appointment now. 

LINK → Book With your Doctor Now

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