What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Most people are confused about what Naturopathic Medicine is and what a Naturopathic Doctor can do for YOU.

Naturopathic Doctors are trained as a primary care physician that follows a therapeutic order when using tools from convention medicine to natural medicine to treat, prevent and optimize health.


Naturopathic medicine aims to treat as well as prevent chronic and acute conditions. We do this through naturopathic therapies such as nutrition, hormones, herbal medicine, acupuncture, lifestyle counseling, homeopathy, etc. Naturopathic doctors target the root cause of disease by looking at the body as a whole structure - we realize that the body is one integrated and interconnected system. The goal is to provide individualized health care through treating, educating and empowering patients. 

Natural and Traditional medicines are being remembered and recognized once again for their effective ways to treat illness.

In the last few decades, people have become increasingly aware of the limitations of a medical system governed by pharmaceutical drugs. Chronic Disease and cancer rates are at an all-time high. People are looking for alternative ways to heal and looking for doctors who will hear them out. 

Naturopathic doctors understand all of these concerns and are here to help you in your journey back to health and happiness.


Conditions treated by Naturopathic Doctors:

Hormone Imbalances, Digestive Disorders, Chronic Pain, Autoimmune disease, Cardiovascular disease, metabolic conditions, and skin conditions, among many others.  



Naturopathic Philosophy


What sets Naturopathic Doctors apart from conventional Medical Doctors and so-called Functional Doctors is our core naturopathic philosophies, principles and the therapeutic order we follow.

It is a belief that the body has an innate ability to heal itself when under the right circumstances and provided the right tools to do so. Naturopathic medicine works to stimulates the body’s own ability to heal itself by addressing the underlying cause of disease, and restoring balance within the body. 


Naturopathic Principles

The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix naturae)
Naturopathic medicine recognizes an inherent self-healing process in all living things that is orders and intelligent. Naturopathic physicians act to identify and remove obstacles to cure and look to aid and facilitate this inherent self-healing process.

Identify and Treat the Cause (Tolle Causal)
The naturopathic physician looks to identify and remove the underlying causes of illness rather than to suppress or eliminate symptoms.

First Do No Harm (Primum Non Nocere)
The least harmful interventions are utilized first. Pharmaceutical drugs and aggressive therapies are considered last resort.

Treat the Whole Person (Tolle Totum)
Naturopathic physicians treat each patient by taking into account individual physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, spiritual and psychosocial factors. We do not just treat the symptom we look to optimize the whole system and support the body as one.

Doctor as Teacher (Docere)
Naturopathic physicians educate their patients and encourage self-responsibility for health. 

Naturopathic Physician emphasize the prevention of disease by assessing risk factors and implementing modalities to keep the body in harmony.



What is the difference between a Naturopath and a licensed Naturopathic Doctor?

Naturopaths attend schools or online programs that are not accredited by CNME and they do not include medical training. Whereas Naturopathic Doctors attend a four-year doctoral program that is properly accredited by the CNME. Naturopathic Doctors must pass two rounds of national accredited board NPLEX exams plus additional competencies. 

Naturopaths typically serve as health consultants or wellness coaches but depending on your state’s licensing they may be able to see patients in unregulated states.  

Naturopathic Doctors are trained as primary care physicians who can diagnose, run diagnostic lab work and provide a treatment plan.

How to find a Naturopathic Doctor:

Go to Naturopathic.org to find a listing of licensed ND’s in your area

See if your state has licensure for Naturopathic Doctors or not. 

Double-check through their websites. Look to see if they attended one of the accredited naturopathic Medical schools: Bastyr University, Bridgeport University, SCNM, NUNM, NUHS, or CCNM.