We believe in treating the whole person and that includes your mental wellbeing. 

Mental wellbeing includes your mindset, emotions, thoughts about the self, preconstructed beliefs, purpose, the conscious and subconscious mind and our higher self. What we keep seeing clinically is that it is possible for the body to hold onto our emotions.  As well as imbalanced emotions can cause disharmony to our qi and block energy flow in our meridians and cause us dysfunction.

Trauma and emotional stress being stored in the body is a big contributing factor to disease and chronic illness. We work with your body’s chemistry and energy and use a combination of functional lab testing and applied kinesiology to find the root cause of imbalance.

Anxiety, depression, PTSD,  addiction and other mental/emotional imbalances are complex in nature and need a multifactorial approach. A thorough investigation into nutrient deficiencies, inflammatory factors, hormones, imbalanced blood sugar levels, lack of positive psychosocial factors and any unresolved emotions are crucial.

We aim to treat the mental emotional sides of health through nutrition, homeopathy, flower essences, botanical medicine and craniosacral therapies. One treatment plan doesn’t fit all and for that reason we explore the many causes for imbalance to provide you with the deepest and longest-lasting healing. 
